
Welcome to my blog. This blog will be about the good and bad of living on a budget that will vary from low to even lower. I will also share my struggles with grocery shopping and staying with in my budget. I will also share some of the yummy recipes i will feeding my family, good and bad. Enjoy.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Free is Always Best

Today in the mail I got the Wal-Mart flyer and on the front cover they had Pop tarts 1.2 KG $1.88 well I thought maybe it was a misprint lol.
I was out of diaper wipes and needed some so i had hubbie go there so i thought what the heck i will have him pick up a pack of the pop tarts. So hubbie picked up some Pampers wipes $3.47-$1 coupon= $2.47 then made his way to grab the pop tarts. I called him and told him to watch the price as they do SCOP( scanning code of practice) and if the price comes up wrong that we will get it free.

Well low and behold it came up regular price $7.97 well hubbie asked if they do SCOP and they did so we got them free. What a awsome deal, wellit was awsome to begin with but free it better lol.


  1. That is great! I didn't know about SCOP at Wal-Mart. I will definitely keep my eye out for things like that from now on!

  2. yes for sure keep a eye on it, make sure you have your sales flyer with you though as sometimes they like to argue with you lol
